Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Etsy banner!

Whew! I have been trying to focus on getting my Etsy shop up and running, and I made this cute little image for my banner. I really wanted to make my own, but I don't have Photoshop yet (yikes, I know, I feel like a total dweeb. I keep telling my husband how much I NEED it, know how it is...), and all the tutorials for making your own use Photoshop. So, I just decided I'd make my own on paper. Huh! Easier said than done!
I made this cute little guy, and then had to hack it up to get it to be the right size. Those Etsy people are soooo picky about that! It had to be 760 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall. After much fiddling and cropping, I finally did it. It is successfully uploaded! Yippee!
That MAJOR hurdle over, I'm giving myself 4-6 weeks to gather some more stuff and finish a few projects and get the store actually open. I can't wait!!!
How about a little feedback? What kind of stuff do you look for on Etsy? What makes you melt? Do you like kits, or one of a kind art? Supplies like seam binding, millinery, wallpaper? What about collage sheets? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks girls! Have a wonderful day!!


Heidi said...

Wow, I'm impressed! You made your banner with scissors, glue and paper (more, too!). You really should be very proud of your finished work. Oh, and don't wish too hard for Photoshop, then you'll spend all your time trying to learn it! (I waste, er, I mean spend so much time trying to learn...). I might suggest you get a cheapo program to just learn the basics! Good luck. Is your Etsy store open now? Where do we find it?

Junkstylediva said...

Wow! your banner turned out great! I can't do anything like that even with photshop...I have it and I can't figure it out. LOL!! You should be very proud of your banner! I'm checking out your etsy shop now...

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Love you cute banner!! One of a kind art and wallpaper are my favorites!!

Maija said...

Your etsy banner is darling!