Well, it seems that Blogger got over her PMS issues from yesterday and behave rationally and obligingly and let me post pictures. (not that I condone always blaming it on those raging female-type hormones...I HATE it when men do that!!! "Oh, you MUST be PMS-ing," they say, when, really the reason you're pissed is because they left the toilet seat up AGAIN for approximately the 147, 529th time. In a day. Know what I mean??? Sure ya do.)
So, here are some of the pictures from the Prayer book. If you want to see all of them, just hop over to Flickr.
The cover. Isn't it so sweet? It's only 2 3/4" x 4 1/2". Little.
Also, I just posted some of these darlings on my Etsy. They are such a pretty peachy-pinky color. Peachy enough for fall/Halloween crafts but pink enough for everything else, too. I (heart) these! AND, of course, there will be several bunches included in the 100th post Giveaway of a Glorious Nature...oh YEAH!!!